The AI-first CEO: a new leadership archetype for a new age 

Dear Diary,  Here is today’s ponderable: is an AI-first CEO a new leadership archetype for a new age?  The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) as a critical driver of business strategy is giving rise to a new breed of leaders: the AI-first CEOs. These leaders understand that AI is not just a technology but a…

Blog Artificial intelligence and automation Leadership
Takeaways for digital workplace leaders from the Digital Workplace Impact podcast

Digital workplace leaders and their teams have a lot on their plate. Generative AI is infiltrating the workplace and organizations need guidance on how to get the best out of it, build the right foundations and support employees. At the same time all the other challenges of the digital workplace haven’t gone away, including driving…

Blog Leadership
DWG Vantage Point: AI readiness – A strategic imperative

Welcome to the second instalment of our DWG Vantage Point series, in which I provide a perspective on my observations as DWG’s Chief Growth Officer.   In the last Vantage Point post, I covered the importance of governance and the key role it plays in establishing high-performing digital workplaces. When done correctly, governance can help organizations…

Blog Artificial intelligence and automation Leadership
Avanade: How to be an AI-first CEO – with Pamela Maynard 

The AI-first CEO has arrived – an exciting and transformational change in modern leadership. But what is an AI-first CEO? And what does AI leadership look like in practice?   To answer this, Pamela Maynard, Chief Executive Officer of Avanade, joins DWG’s Founder and Chief Creative Officer, Paul Miller, for the latest episode of Rewilding Work…

Blog Artificial intelligence and automation Future of work Leadership
DWG’s 2024 predictions for the digital workplace

There are a few DWG seasons that I just love: when we announce our award winners, when we publish our annual research programme topics, when we roll out our events calendar and when we gather for our in-person member meetings (spring and fall). Another seasonal favourite is unveiling our industry predictions. Why? Well, that’s because…

Blog Artificial intelligence and automation Content management Digital employee experience Leadership Metrics & measurement Microsoft 365 Search & findability
Why it’s time to reframe the ‘return to work’ conversation

It’s said that a journey of 1,000 miles starts with a single step. This appears to be particularly true of hybrid working. While the benefits of spending time in the office have been eulogized, gamified and incentivized, resistance to the ‘return to work’ message is also starting to grow. Last month, Salesforce pledged to donate…

Blog Employee experience Future of work Hybrid working Leadership Research reports
My seven lessons from Gartner’s first in-person digital workplace summit since 2019

The last Gartner Digital Workplace Summit was back in 2019. Yes, I know, it took place in the alternate reality of the world before ‘early 2020’! But now it’s back – so here are my reflections, with seven things I learned from participating in the first post-pandemic in-person Gartner Digital Workplace Summit in London. This…

Blog Digital workplace Digital workplace trends Future of work Hybrid working Leadership
From leader to learner – navigating the convoluted world of project management as a novice

In this blog we make the case for ‘project onboarding processes’ to support employees at all levels that have been tasked with working on a project for the first time.  We explore the aspects of project documentation, terminology and software (for which there is rarely a soft launch), as well as socializing the business case…

Blog Change management and adoption Digital literacy Leadership
Celebrating the best digital workplaces – 5-year trends from DWG’s awards

In this spirit of sharing and celebration, we have taken a journey back through the winners from the first five years of the Digital Workplace of the Year awards to enrich DWG members and the wider industry with their examples. 

Blog Digital workplace Digital Workplace of the Year Awards Intranets Leadership