6 ways in which Microsoft Viva is evolving to support employee experience

In the three years since Microsoft first launched its Viva employee experience platform, this has continued to evolve and expand. In that time, it has provoked huge interest from digital workplace teams, HR functions, comms professionals and IT departments, with a view to using Viva to drive engagement, support productivity, increase learning, and more. We…

Blog Digital employee experience Microsoft 365 Research reports
DWG’s 2024 predictions for the digital workplace

There are a few DWG seasons that I just love: when we announce our award winners, when we publish our annual research programme topics, when we roll out our events calendar and when we gather for our in-person member meetings (spring and fall). Another seasonal favourite is unveiling our industry predictions. Why? Well, that’s because…

Blog Artificial intelligence and automation Content management Digital employee experience Leadership Metrics & measurement Microsoft 365 Search & findability