Digital workplace insights from Amazon, Domino’s, Unilever and Fidelity International revealed in the Digital Workplace Impact podcast 

Digital workplaces are never done. There are constantly new challenges to overcome and opportunities to improve. And it’s a space that keeps on moving as both work and technology evolve – from the sudden rise of remote and hybrid work due to the pandemic, through to the new waves of innovation emerging via generative AI….

Blog Communications Digital communications Digital employee experience Hybrid working
6 ways in which Microsoft Viva is evolving to support employee experience

In the three years since Microsoft first launched its Viva employee experience platform, this has continued to evolve and expand. In that time, it has provoked huge interest from digital workplace teams, HR functions, comms professionals and IT departments, with a view to using Viva to drive engagement, support productivity, increase learning, and more. We…

Blog Digital employee experience Microsoft 365 Research reports
How the digital workplace can help attract and retain talent 

With Q1 often a common time when people consider their career options, have you considered how your digital workplace can help to attract and retain talent? Here are 3 ways in which you can start to leverage your digital workplace, along with links for further reading or listening.  1. Offer candidates an insight into your…

Blog Digital communications Digital employee experience Employee experience HR HR intranets Learning & development
DWG’s 2024 predictions for the digital workplace

There are a few DWG seasons that I just love: when we announce our award winners, when we publish our annual research programme topics, when we roll out our events calendar and when we gather for our in-person member meetings (spring and fall). Another seasonal favourite is unveiling our industry predictions. Why? Well, that’s because…

Blog Artificial intelligence and automation Content management Digital employee experience Leadership Metrics & measurement Microsoft 365 Search & findability
Could a behind-the-scenes preview of your digital workplace help attract talent?

By Mirsad Capric Consider this: many major life decisions are made after having a trial of what’s to come: The process of taking a new job, another significant life decision, can also provide some glimpses into what to expect, as you meet potential colleagues for interviews and visit the office for on-site conversations. Yet, collectively,…

Blog Digital employee experience Employee experience
COOK: Great ingredients for creating community at work

If we thrive better together, and good relationships help with performance, then how can we successfully create and nurture strong communities at work? Our quality of life is dependent on the nature of our relationships – a  fact often forgotten in busy work settings. At award-winning UK home-ready meals company, COOK, the team actively focuses…

Blog Change management and adoption Digital employee experience Nature of Work
Why you can’t manage knowledge – and what to do instead

By Ilana Botha Workers are drowning in information. The sheer volume of content created in an average workplace is staggering. In 2021, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data were created every day. Workers struggle to identify the knowledge and information they need for their jobs – spending nearly four hours a day searching.  The effort is…

Blog Artificial intelligence and automation Content management Digital employee experience Knowledge Management Search & findability
Time to fix hybrid work’s decades of ignored challenges

Hybrid work isn’t new. Most office workers have experienced it in various ways for many years. But many organizations have under-invested in solving the persistent challenges of hybrid work. Today we have rich opportunities to address both the new and old challenges of distributed work and, in so doing, build more resilient and productive companies….

Blog Collaboration Digital employee experience Digital workplace Employee experience Hybrid working Remote working Search & findability Workplace productivity
10 great digital workplace blog posts from 2022

2022 has been quite a year for DWG. We celebrated our 20th anniversary since kicking off our very first member meeting way back in 2002; we held another brilliant Digital Workplace of the Year Awards, highlighting some excellent work in the digital workplace and intranet space; and our consulting work with Esteé Lauder Companies was…

Blog Business intelligence Communications Content management Digital communications Digital employee experience Digital Workplace of the Year Awards Employee experience Hybrid working Intranets
DWG’s 2023 predictions for the digital workplace

by Nancy Goebel It’s hard to believe it’s that time of year again! It’s November and that means Digital Workplace Group is abuzz with planning for the year ahead – our 2023 research, our year-end member survey, our calendar of events… and it also means it’s time to announce our 2023 predictions for the digital…

Blog Accessibility Artificial intelligence and automation Change management and adoption Digital employee experience Employee experience HR Metrics & measurement
Why content management is the catalyst for a great digital workplace experience – 5 pointers to getting started 

Research the definition of a digital workplace and you’ll find a topic shrouded in subjectivity, as outlined in the article ‘What is a digital workplace?’ by ThoughtFarmer.   What you won’t find is any mention of content management – the connective tissue which forms a digital workplace – or the importance of the role it…

Blog Content management Digital employee experience
Digital workplace, digital employee experience, intranet; what’s the difference?  

You are about to launch an intranet, but it goes beyond what a ‘traditional’ intranet typically is, offering integrations with a number of other apps. Perhaps this is a digital workplace then? But it is also focused on improving the overall experience of employees; so, is this in fact a digital employee experience platform? And,…

Blog Digital employee experience Digital workplace