Digital workplace insights from Amazon, Domino’s, Unilever and Fidelity International revealed in the Digital Workplace Impact podcast 

Digital workplaces are never done. There are constantly new challenges to overcome and opportunities to improve. And it’s a space that keeps on moving as both work and technology evolve – from the sudden rise of remote and hybrid work due to the pandemic, through to the new waves of innovation emerging via generative AI….

Blog Communications Digital communications Digital employee experience Hybrid working
How the digital workplace can help attract and retain talent 

With Q1 often a common time when people consider their career options, have you considered how your digital workplace can help to attract and retain talent? Here are 3 ways in which you can start to leverage your digital workplace, along with links for further reading or listening.  1. Offer candidates an insight into your…

Blog Digital communications Digital employee experience Employee experience HR HR intranets Learning & development
Unlocking the power of employee digital channels: A guide to omnichannel communication 

In a world awash with digital information, the art of effective employee communication has evolved into a complex web of channels, each vying for attention. One report that has been a guiding light for internal communications professionals within DWG over the last decade is Digital channel matrix: Creating employee-focused employee communications. In 2023, we decided…

Blog Communications Content management Digital communications
Why post-pandemic HQs must be big and small – at the same time

Everyone has an ‘office story’ in these post-pandemic times – and that tale tends to runs along now familiar lines: “I’m in the office sometimes but not anywhere near as often as before – and it’s working fine for me overall.”    Which, as we all know, leaves whole swathes of corporate real estate floundering as it’s…

Blog Digital communications Digital workplace Employee experience Future of work Hybrid working Remote working Workplace productivity
10 great digital workplace blog posts from 2022

2022 has been quite a year for DWG. We celebrated our 20th anniversary since kicking off our very first member meeting way back in 2002; we held another brilliant Digital Workplace of the Year Awards, highlighting some excellent work in the digital workplace and intranet space; and our consulting work with Esteé Lauder Companies was…

Blog Business intelligence Communications Content management Digital communications Digital employee experience Digital Workplace of the Year Awards Employee experience Hybrid working Intranets
7 takeaways about Microsoft Viva from new DWG research 

When Microsoft announced the launch of Viva in early 2021 – a new ‘employee experience’ platform that is mainly delivered through Microsoft Teams across four distinct apps (Viva Connections, Learning, Topics and Insights) –  there were huge levels of interest from a wide selection of different stakeholders including intranet and digital workplace teams. Fast forward…

Blog Digital communications Digital employee experience Employee experience Intranets Research reports
Why HR is the essential digital workplace partner

Maturity is the act of knowing when and how to behave at the right time and in the right place. Maturity is subjective. Maturity is a fluid state. Just as there is no one path to maturity for a human being, there is no one path towards digital maturity for an organization. The quest for…

Blog Collaboration Content management Digital communications Digital employee experience Digital workplace Employee experience HR HR intranets Internal communications