COVID-19: Remote working becomes the new normal

In this episode, two thought leaders, Dion Hinchcliffe and Paul Miller, come together to compare and contrast their digital workplace predictions for 2020. What neither of them predicted was this current dramatic shift to remote working, and so they take time to reflect on the possible longer-term implications of coronavirus on work. Follow the conversation…

Blog Digital workplace Future of work Remote working during COVID-19
Coronavirus: 20 little lessons for successful remote working – based on (almost) 20 years’ experience at DWG

Digital Workplace Group (DWG) has no offices. We have about 100 people across Europe and North America, who work anywhere and everywhere. We did have offices in London and New York until seven years ago – but people didn’t seem to choose to work there often, so we closed them. Despite this quite unusual mode…

Blog Collaboration Digital workplace Future of work Remote working during COVID-19
Would Mary Poppins raise ethical robots?

As the world, and in particular the workplace, employs more and more artificial intelligence (AI), digital ethics is no longer a nice-to-have but an essential. Joining Paul on this podcast are three heavyweight minds who specialize in this area. Follow the conversation as they discuss the connection between morality and power; how technology shapes politics…

Blog Future of work
Bridging the physical and digital workplace divide

How in sync do your physical and digital workplaces feel? Is your physical environment – wherever that may be – optimized to support the digital tools you’re using? Does it feel like digital is being harnessed to better manage the physical? Is it smart? Does it feel natural for how you best work? Or does…

Blog Digital workplace Future of work Nature of Work Research reports Strategy & governance Usability & design
My 10 digital workplace predictions for 2020

I’ll start with a story that for me reveals how profound the changes currently encircling the world of work (both digital and physical) are. In September 2019, I gave an address at the Washington, DC headquarters of DWG member and client, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to what I had expected would be a mainly…

Blog Collaboration Digital literacy Digital workplace Future of work HR intranets Metrics & measurement Mobile sites & apps Search & findability
“My City, My Office”? The rise of mobile working in and beyond our cities

Where are you working from today? Are you in an office space dedicated to your employer and colleagues? A co-working space occupied by any number and diversity of organizations? A café? Library? Home? Anywhere and everywhere?   Time was the answer to that question was seemingly obvious: for so-called office-based “white-collar workers”, it would be, well,…

Blog Digital Nations Digital workplace Future of work Mobile sites & apps
Why improving the digital literacy of citizens is crucial for both the digital nation and the future of work

I thoroughly enjoy the conversations that DWG’s Digital Nations Group (DNG) gives us the space to pursue; they carve out a little time to pause for a moment and think big about what developments in digital mean for our wider world, and how that may, in turn, impact the workplaces that we’re all so involved…

Blog Digital literacy Digital Nations Digital workplace Future of work
Seven ways organizations can prepare for Digital Workplace 2030

Back in April 2018, we set the scene for an exploration of the future digital world of work, and introduced the four dimensions by which we describe what the 2030 digital workplace might look like as set out in our research report: Digital Workplace 2030: Preparing now for the digital worlds of work to come….

Blog Digital workplace Future of work Research reports
What Microsoft is thinking about now – and in the future – and what it tells us

Shared with permission from the Microsoft Envisioning team Building 33 on the beautiful, peaceful campus of Microsoft’s HQ just outside of Seattle houses a fascinating center of the future of work (and life) and it keeps being freshly reimagined. Under the guidance of Harald Becker, Director of Industry Engagement and Research we toured Microsoft’s Envisioning…

Blog Digital workplace Future of work
Digital Workplace 2030: Preparing now for the digital worlds of work to come

Looking 12 years ahead, how do you envisage the digital workplace will be? This is the topic of our latest podcast, in which Paul Miller talks to three expert practitioners. The forward-thinking discussion is framed by the four dimensions outlined in DWG’s brand new research report Digital Workplace 2030: Preparing now for the digital worlds…

Blog Future of work Research reports
Introducing the four dimensions of Digital Workplace 2030

The practice of looking into the future and forming well-considered ideas about what we might find there requires of us both rigour and creativity. Organizations often use a 10-year timeframe for this process in order to stimulate creativity and suspend current operational thinking, while avoiding the process seeming too much like science fiction. So when…

Blog Future of work Research reports