Seeking passionate intranet managers with good sense of humour for ongoing love affairs

“Behind every great intranet you will often find one person whose courage, power and in the end love for their work, has produced stunning results.” It was April in Paris – that’s how it started. And how appropriate: the most romantic city in the world, and on a beautiful spring evening. But the setting was…

Blog Collaboration Research reports
My passion for intranets stems from the ability to engage employees by ensuring the have everything to their jobs at their fingertips and be able to connect in ways never possible before.

              Tell us about your intranet love affair… Read more intranet love stories.

Blog Collaboration Research reports
I love my intranet so much that I made a t-shirt with a picture of me and my intranet…

              Tell us about your intranet love affair… Read more intranet love stories.

Blog Collaboration Research reports
One reason to get passionate about your intranet is…. because it’s proven that it can help employees do their job better and builds engagement

              Tell us about your intranet love affair… Read more intranet love stories.

Blog Collaboration Research reports
You know your intranet loves you when you start to type a search query & it finishes it for you

              Tell us about your intranet love affair… Read more intranet love stories.

Blog Collaboration Research reports
Intranet love is… when you visit your homepage and your intranet knows what you need without you even asking

              Tell us about your intranet love affair… Read more intranet love stories.

Blog Collaboration Research reports
I know someone whose intranet got old and flabby so they ran off with this slinky little Yammer thing.

              Tell us about your intranet love affair… Read more intranet love stories.

Blog Collaboration Research reports
Designing great HR intranets

Even in the most “social” of intranets, there is still a need for areas of more structured static content. Human Resources areas fall into this category and are one of the most challenging parts of a corporate intranet to implement and manage. They are both heavily content-based and highly functional – a place to view…

Blog HR intranets Research reports Usability & design
Continuous improvement is the key to improving findability

Findability can be defined as the ability to easily locate and retrieve desired content and people by users of a website or intranet. It encompasses all manners in which users can retrieve content, such as browsing the navigation structure or using a search tool or site index. In many organisations, achieving good practice in findability…

Blog Research reports Search & findability
New Research from IBF: Enterprise Mobility

For more than a decade, intranet applications have focused on providing employees working at their desks with access to corporate information.  Many organisations have reported that the corporate intranet has made a significant impact on business performance.  However, in most organisations there are many employees who spend some or all of their working day outside…

Blog Digital workplace Intranets Mobile sites & apps Research reports