Marc Bramoullé, Ubisoft: Digital Workplace Leader of the Year

In this episode, Paul Miller talks to Marc Bramoullé, Director of Knowledge Management Services at Ubisoft, who won the Digital Workplace Leader of the Year Award 2019. Tune in to hear from Marc as he talks about knowledge management, machine learning and user-centred design at Ubisoft; tells us about his leadership approach and philosophy; and…

Blog Collaboration Content management Digital workplace Internal communications Usability & design
What universities can teach digital workplace people

University of Leicester is leading the way with its “Digital Campus”. More than just the university’s web presence, Ross Parry, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Digital), and Lauren Vargas, Digital Fellow, explain what the “Digital Campus” is and share some remarkable examples of how technology is being used across the university to enhance learning and teaching, facilitate research…

Blog Collaboration Digital literacy Digital Nations
Four more learnings about digital workplaces from the Digital Workplace Impact podcast

It’s hard to believe that we’re nearly up to 40 episodes of the Digital Workplace Impact podcast. Since the very first episode DWG’s CEO and Founder, Paul Miller, has spoken to a huge variety of people involved in the digital workplace and the future of work. From practitioners to thought leaders to disruptors through to…

Blog Collaboration Digital workplace Internal communications Intranets Mobile sites & apps Strategy & governance
Why “Working Out Loud” is good news for employees, organizations and the digital workplace

  Over the past three years or so, “Working Out Loud” (WOL) as a term and a concept has gained popularity to an extent that perhaps nobody could have anticipated. It’s a topic that DWG and its members have kept an eye on and something we’ve featured in both our knowledge exchanges and podcast. While…

Blog Collaboration Digital workplace Strategy & governance
Eight digital workplace and intranet insights from the DWG annual survey

The digital workplace is a fast-moving area in which new technologies and tools are continually being introduced and teams are experimenting, innovating and learning. Even the humble intranet has gone through a transformation in recent years, emerging as a user-centred entry point to a wider digital ecosystem rather than just an internal communications channel. With…

Blog Collaboration Digital workplace Internal communications Intranets Mobile sites & apps Strategy & governance
Winner of Digital Leader of the Year 2018: Aaron Kim, RBC Royal Bank

At DWG, we get excited about passionate people in our industry. So much so, in 2017, we decided to create an industry award so that we could share our excitement and reward exceptional digital workplace leaders. In 2018, it was RBC Royal Bank’s Aaron Kim who stepped up to the podium at the DW Experience…

Blog Collaboration
If only fixing our culture was as (comparatively) straightforward as rolling out Office 365

One of our large consumer manufacturing clients has a terrific digital transformation agenda for “Workplace 2022” with a robust technology roadmap, active leadership support, highly capable people across the world – and it’s firing on all cylinders. But there is a block. The organization’s culture is resistant to change, silos run deep and habits of…

Blog Collaboration Digital workplace
How can I know if my organization is ready for digital working?

We’ve all been there. You hear about a new app intended to help you change your habits. You download it to your phone. It’s life-changing for a few days, or even weeks. “This is it,” you marvel, “my life is changed forever!” Then you miss a day. Then a week. And, before you know it,…

Blog Collaboration Digital workplace Research reports Strategy & governance
7 ‘protips’ for digital workplace professionals from a video gamer

Have you heard? Video games aren’t just for kids any more; the average gamer is 35 years old. They’re not even just for men; 48% of gamers are women. And get this: they’re also not just for the lazy and unemployed; 70% of gamers are high-level executives, including CEOs. CEOs! The people in charge! But…

Blog Collaboration Digital workplace Metrics & measurement Usability & design
How ideation is evolving in the digital workplace

An ideation programme, process or initiative can be a fantastic way to surface some very smart ideas from your employees. If an employee’s brainwave is implemented as a project, it can deliver great value through cost savings, improved client service and the introduction of new offerings. Other softer benefits can be employee engagement and helping…

Blog Collaboration Digital workplace
What is the first step towards evidence-based intranet success?

Pssst, guess what… I know the secret of making good intranets. More than that, I’ve just gone and proved it with science and numbers. This is it. I know the secret of how to manage intranets successfully. Usability – where it succeeds or not So, let’s wind back a bit. You are sitting watching a…

Blog Collaboration Internal communications Metrics & measurement Research reports Strategy & governance Usability & design
Dissecting Deloitte’s digital workplace thinking: a focus on culture and talent

Deloitte has fairly regularly waded into the digital workplace waters and offers a perspective that is mostly about organizational culture and management. Deloitte’s main public digital workplace diagram is perhaps more interesting than useful. Over the past few years, Deloitte has fairly regularly weighed into the public dialogue about the digital workplace but because Deloitte’s…

Blog Collaboration Digital workplace Internal communications ROI & Business Case Strategy & governance