UNHCR joins Digital Workplace Group’s Member Forum

Hot on the heels of the European Commission, the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR is among the latest of well-known organizations to become a member of the Digital Workplace Group’s confidential knowledge and benchmarking global Member Forum.
Established in 1950, UNHCR is mandated to lead and coordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide.
UNHCR is currently facing the highest level of refugees of concern in 20 years: an estimated 15.1 million as of mid-2015. With a large field-based workforce, often located in refugee camps, UNHCR joins the Digital Workplace Group (DWG) at a time when more than ever an effective digital workplace can support remote working, collaboration, knowledge sharing and efficient processes, all of which are critical to its work.
Joining the community of DWG’s Member Forum opens up a unique suite of resources for UNHCR, from confidential peer learning, to a member-only research programme and a knowledge base drawn from benchmarking of DWG members’ intranets and digital workplaces.
Together with a member base of more than 80 major organizations globally, UNHCR can now access intranet and digital workplace research reports, view an extensive video library of live intranet and digital workplace tours and best practices, attend confidential DWG member events in person and online, and connect directly with other teams through a protected member network.
Since 2002, DWG’s membership model has delivered the global standard for intranet and digital workplace benchmarking, with more than 600 independent benchmarks completed. This is combined with a focused research programme and extensive confidential peer learning opportunities.
UNHCR joins a prominent list of DWG members, which includes Adobe, The Coca-Cola Company, IKEA, Estée Lauder, Johnson & Johnson and Visa.
Learn more about the Digital Workplace Group Member Forum.
About the Digital Workplace Group (DWG)
The Digital Workplace Group (DWG) provides independent expertise to large organizations to help them advance their intranets and broader digital workplaces. DWG offers three primary services: a Member Forum for confidential learning and ongoing improvement, Benchmarking Evaluations and a Consulting Services arm. DWG’s expertise is rooted in real-world experience within large companies, a focus on measurement and research, and vendor-neutral independence.
- DWG website: www.digitalworkplacegroup.com
- DWG on Twitter: twitter.com/DWG
Media Contact
Nancy M. Goebel, Managing Director, Member & Benchmarking Services
+44 (0) 20 7722 8726 | +1 (973) 978 1072