In 2021, modern intranets have never mattered more

July 21, 2021 Updated: March 26, 2025 by

Modern intranets matter!

We’ve seen this beyond a shadow of a doubt over the last year or so. As organizations shifted to digital working, the best intranets played a critical role at the heart of the digital workplaces that kept so many workers connected and productive. 

At DWG we want to celebrate the modern intranet in 2021 – and we’re doing so with a brand new category in our Digital Workplace of the Year Awards: Modern Intranet of the Year. 

(If you’re too excited to keep reading, and want to get your entry started right now – here’s the link!).

Now in their fifth year, the Digital Workplace of the Year Awards have highlighted success stories such as BNY Mellon, Liberty Mutual Insurance, American Express and – most recently, in 2020 – DBS Bank. 

But, something has been niggling the judging panel. 

As well as commending great practice at the level of the digital workplace as a whole, our judges also wanted the opportunity to acknowledge the great intranets that sit at its core, often as the unifying point for all the multifarious tools and technologies. 

The brand new Modern Intranet of the Year Award recognizes the outstanding, well-managed intranets at the heart of the digital workplace, acknowledging the modern intranets that make employees’ working days more convenient and manageable by connecting them to information, tasks and people. These will be personalized and available anywhere they’re needed, and offer an amazing user experience. 

We sometimes get asked ‘Is the intranet dead?’. This new award – along with our new Modern Intranet Management benchmark is our response. In other words, even while the landscape around the intranet is shifting it still remains a key destination that helps unify the various elements of employees’ digital workplace experience.

Think your organization stands a chance? Your entry doesn’t have to be perfect but if your intranet team is doing good things in terms of how the intranet is managed, the ways the team engages with users, the amazing features it offers, and the impact it’s having for the organization, you need to enter! 

The award aligns to DWG’s recently introduced Modern Intranet Management benchmark, which enables an organization to take a deep dive into the practices that enable intranet success, gaining insights into what’s working well but also what would benefit from further work.

Is it your time to enter?

Digital Workplace of the Year Awards now includes a Modern Intranet category

Need to take stock post-pandemic? Writing your award entry can be a great way to get the team away from the day-to-day and reflect on what you have achieved – and an award might just be the perfect way to give kudos to your team and highlight its great work to the rest of the organization. 

As well as the main Modern Intranet of the Year award, there will also be a number of special awards for specific areas of achievement, such as strategic vision, user engagement and outstanding impact. 

Why not get your entry started today? You can work on it and save progress before hitting submit when you’re ready.

The Digital Workplace of the Year Awards, produced by Digital Workplace Group, celebrate those organizations and practitioners who have excelled at creating well-executed, high-performing digital workplace environments.

The awards give you and your organization the opportunity to share your digital workplace achievements with peers and to gain global, industry recognition.

For 2021 there are three categories:

  • Digital Workplace of the Year 2021 (awarded to an organization) – open to submission by any organization, with one overall winner and several category awards
  • Digital Workplace Leader of the Year 2021 (awarded to an individual) – nominated by peer experts, with one overall winner and several category awards

and NEW for 2021…

  • Modern Intranet of the Year 2021 (awarded to an organization) – open to submission by any organization, with one overall winner and several category awards.

Submit your entry for awards

The entry and judgement criteria for these global awards are underpinned by the collective knowledge and experience of DWG research, benchmarking and expertise plus extensive industry insights.

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Categorised in: Intranets, Intranets

Elizabeth Marsh

Director of Research

Elizabeth Marsh is DWG’s Director of Research and author of its latest report ‘Digital workplace overload: How to reduce employee technostress’ (available free on our website). She’s worked as a practitioner, researcher and consultant in the digital workplace field for over 20 years and is a strong advocate for digital literacy and digital wellbeing at work. Elizabeth is currently doing a PhD at the University of Nottingham focusing on employee technostress and the potential of mindfulness to help reduce it. She also co-authored – with Paul Miller – the book ‘The Digital Renaissance of Work: Delivering digital workplaces fit for the future’.

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