Hello, Gorgeous!

June 22, 2011 Updated: March 25, 2025 by

Coming up on the July 5th episode is the 2011 My Beautiful Intranet competition winner, the Government of British Columbia, announced during IBF 24.

2011 My Beautiful Intranet Winner - The Government of British Columbia

2011 My Beautiful Intranet Winner - The Government of British Columbia

Courtney Campbell and Jaya Polden from the BC Government will share the fascinating story behind this winning design. This intranet was one of 36 entries submitted to the IBF 24 competition website. These were voted on by 1,396 site visitors to produce 10 finalists, from which the IBF judges picked the winning entry. If you’re designing a wesbite, make sure you compare hosting companies like Bluehost vs iPage before choosing.

What was the secret sauce? According to the judges, the BC Government intranet features strong functional elements that complement its stunning use of colour and photography.

Next, we’ll be joined by Felicity McNish, Global Knowledge Manager at Woods Bagot (Architecture & Design). Felicity submitted her intranet to the My Beautiful Intranet competition, but alas, her screenshot was held up by an unruly email server. So she has graciously agreed to join us on IBF Live to give us a live tour. And Felicity gets the grand prize for being the most accommodating… she’s calling in from Adelaide, Australia, where it will be 12:30am her time.

Finally, Kurt Krejny, Director of SEM Best Practices at Fathom Online Marketing will be joining us for a live tour of his company’s intranet. Here is yet another example of where aesthetic beauty and functional beauty intersect. For example, the site theme is changed quarterly for a visual representation of company objectives. They have an entire section of their intranet for new hires where new employees can learn about core values and collaborate with seasoned employees to make their transition a smooth one. Kurt combines a background in visual communications with expertise in online marketing and SEO to deliver an intranet that stands in a class of its own. Anyone looking for advice and guidance in SEO for cannabusinesses can only hope that they’ve got people as skilled in the world of SEO as him by their side. Luckily find an SEO consultant shouldn’t be too difficult in this world of SEO.

Paul Miller, CEO of IBF, will host the show, along with Neil Morgan, from the World Wildlife Fund, who recently joined us during IBF 24 to give a fascinating tour of the new WWF portal layer for their intranet, and Betsey Kershaw, Chief Idea Girl at Sugarbeet Creative.

If you are already an DWG member or an IBF Live subscriber, you can get the login details on the extranet (no need to register in advance). If you miss IBF Live or want to watch it again, you can view this or prior episodes via on-demand playback.

Guests can sign up for a free guest pass, but hurry, there’s limited seating. Don’t miss out!

Meet the Studio Guests

Courtney Campbell, Web Manager – Intranet Strategy, joined the British Columbia Public Service in 2004. Her IT background includes network administration, Website Design and multimedia development. Her most recent positions have focused on information architecture and web usability which led to her involvement with the corporate intranet in 2008 and to a direct role redesigning the site to include social media and collaborative functionality using Drupal. Courtney has a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and a Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology from the University of Victoria. Follow her on Twitter @courtneygov and LinkedIn.

Jaya Polden, Graphic Designer, joined the British Columbia Public Service in 2009. Her background includes designing award-winning websites, logos, corporate plans and related collateral as well as finding different ways of using technology to communicate effectively. Web design and development, research and writing are also part of her toolset. Recently she led the redesign process for the BC Public Service corporate intranet, called @Work, conducting user feedback surveys, workshopping various designs to employee focus groups and ultimately delivering a highly successful visual experience for @Work’s 30,000 users. Jaya has a Bachelor of Arts in Professional Writing from the University of Victoria and a Certificate in Multimedia Studies from the University of British Columbia. Follow her on Twitter @jayaskye and LinkedIn.

Felicity McNish is the Global Knowledge Manager at international architecture and design firm, Woods Bagot. Based in Adelaide, Felicity is responsible for the knowledge management and research activities of the company. She has worked in the business information and knowledge management area for over 15 years in Australia and the United Kingdom. Prior to her current role Felicity undertook an Asia Pacific knowledge management role for Ernst & Young and Cap Gemini. Her specialist skills are in the development of knowledge strategies and implementation including change management, development and implementation of knowledge tools using Web 2.0 technology and the management of research. Follow her on Twitter @fmcnish and LinkedIn.

Scott Henderson is the Group Design Technology Manager at Woods Bagot. Since joining the Sydney studio as an Architect in 1999, Scott has moved into a global position managing Woods Bagot’s suite of creative applications, and is now based in San Francisco. More recently he has been responsible for the new projects portal within Woods Bagot’s intranet, in addition to coordinating the look and feel of the broader SharePoint 2010 intranet implementation. Follow him LinkedIn.

Kurt Krejny is the Director of SEM Best Practices at Fathom Online Marketing. Kurt has over 9 years of experience in online marketing with a concentration in search engine optimization (SEO). Kurt’s background in Visual Communications Technology at Bowling Green State University has allowed him to assist organizations in solving complex online marketing problems. Using a diverse skill set including traditional marketing, graphic design, usability, website development, and video, Kurt has been focused on getting things done to show results.. Follow him on Twitter @KurtKrejny and LinkedIn.

Neil Morgan has been developing, marketing and managing online projects for more than 15 years. He is currently the Global Intranet Manager for WWF. His responsibilities are focused in two main areas, implementing a strategy for Knowledge Management and Information Systems for the WWF Network, and in coordinating the development of WWF’s internal solutions. This includes identifying the needs for integrating new applications and acting as an advisor for online solutions to Senior Management and other offices in the WWF Network. Neil holds a Master’s degree in Ecological and Environmental Sciences from Howard University, Washington, DC and a Bachelor of Biology and Fine Arts from Barry University, Miami, FL. Neil spends his free time snowboarding/hiking the mountains of Switzerland and playing the occasional pick up football game with his colleagues. Follow him on Twitter @rasneil and LinkedIn.

Betsey Kershaw is a Brand Strategy Consultant with extensive experience bringing brands to life across all media channels. She started her career as a graphic designer and art director in New York City where she worked at Children’s Television Workshop, MTV Networks, News Corporation and StarMedia Networks. Since making the move to the Twin Cities in 2002, Betsey has worked as an interactive creative consultant at Best Buy and JWT Advertising. In 2003 she joined Room & Board Home as the Director of Brand Experience. Since the Fall of 2008 Betsey has returned to her true passion of helping brands get to the next level by leveraging technology and emerging media. Betsey has an MFA in Painting and an MPS in Interactive Telecommunications from NYU. Follow her on Twitter @bkershaw and LinkedIn.

Milan Guenther is an Interaction Designer and User Experience expert, and one of the founders and partners ad eda.c, a European strategic design consultancy. Milan’s research and writing currently centres around the eda.c Enterprise Design approach, a concept to align and shape the exchanges between enterprises and people. Its goal is to create an overarching organisational framework for these interactions, orchestrating every touchpoint and service involved. this is the subject of an upcoming book, to be published with Morgan Kaufmann in Spring 2012. Follow him on Twitter @eda_c and LinkedIn.

Paul Miller is a technology and social entrepreneur. He founded the Digital Workplace Group (DWG) in 2002, which is acknowledged to have set the global standards and practice for intranet and workplace technology performance across more than 200 major organisations worldwide. He is the host of Digital Workplace Live, a monthly intranet media show hosted by IBF and also IBF 24, the workplace technology event featuring 24 hours of the world’s best intranets and thought provoking discussion on how work is being redesigned through technology. He recently featured in an article in the Wall Street Journal, discussing the emergence of the digital workplace. In 1997 he wrote the best selling knowledge management handbook “Mobilising The Power Of What You Know” (Random House). Follow him on Twitter @PaulMillerSays and LinkedIn.

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Paul Miller

Paul Miller is Chief Creative Officer and Founder of the Digital Workplace Group (DWG), rated by the Financial Times in 2020, 2021 and 2022 as one of the UK’s leading management consultancies in digital transformation. He is a business and social entrepreneur. His latest book is ‘Nature of Work – The new Story of Work for a Living Age’ (co-authored with Shimrit Janes). His previous book, ‘The Digital Renaissance of Work: Delivering digital workplaces fit for the future’ (co-authored with Elizabeth Marsh), was shortlisted for the Management Book of the Year 2016 Award. Paul’s previous book, ‘The Digital Workplace: How technology is liberating work’, helped to popularize and explain the term “digital workplace”. Paul has given many inspirational talks on the digital future of work, for audiences at Microsoft, IKEA, Google, Accenture, Harvard Business Review, Cisco, European Commission, IMF, Adobe and Oxford University.

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