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From the new book The Digital Renaissance of Work
Chapter 7 – “The Price We Pay”
The risk of working from home: unhealthy isolation
I have a confession: I work from home, and I get lonely.
I work from home virtually all the time, except for trips once or twice a quarter and occasional afternoons at a nearby coffee shop. I can go days without seeing anyone other than my (wonderful) wife and daughters. And my cats.
My calls may be audio-only, meaning I don’t even see the far-away people I’m talking to. This isolation can take a toll. I recently switched from running during my lunch breaks to playing basketball so that I have more time to socialize with other human beings.
More and more researchers and experts are weighing in on the matter. From Sherry Turkle’s book Alone Together to The Oatmeal’s comic Why working from home is both awesome and horrible (Warning: this comic contains some vulgar language!) to research on the impact of social interactions on lifespan, more and more people are recognizing the isolating impacts that modern digital technology can have.
Chapter 7: “The Price We Pay”
In Chapter 7 of the new book The Digital Renaissance of Work: Delivering digital workplaces fit for the future, titled “The Price We Pay”, Paul Miller documents a variety of risks and potential detriments of this modern age.
“The Digital Renaissance of Work” presents a generally positive view of the future of work. But co-authors Paul Miller and Elizabeth Marsh take an honest look at the downsides too.
Chapter 7 explores a variety of issues, including:
- the potential isolation of flexible working and working from home
- long work hours and negative impacts on family
- digital addiction and treatment
- how some companies try to ensure work–life balance.
This chapter represents a clear and distinct focus of the book. Rather than hailing the technology itself as a new holy grail, Paul and Elizabeth focus on how that technology can improve work and life for us as human beings.
As Chris Yapp of BSC, The Chartered Institute for IT, wrote about the book:
“What appeals to me about this book is that it avoids thoroughly the technological determinist approach and looks at collaboration, teamwork and-so on from a human perspective, aided by technology.”
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From the new book The Digital Renaissance of Work
Chapter 7 – “The Price We Pay”
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