Digital Workplace 24: a 24-hour journey through the new digital world of work goes live on 14 May 2013
3 December 2012, London & New York.
The Digital Workplace Group is delighted to announce the launch of Digital Workplace 24, an extraordinary and unique 24-hour online event featuring live tours of the world’s leading digital workplaces.

Digital Workplace 24 will run for 24 hours from 11am GMT on Tuesday 14 May 2013, moving from London to New York, San Francisco, Sydney, Beijing, Mumbai, Amsterdam and back to London.
Digital Workplace 24 will showcase the new virtual worlds which are transforming the way businesses and employees operate all over the globe. With 24 incredible live tours of cutting-edge digital workplaces from leading organizations, Digital Workplace 24 represents an amazing journey into the new world of work.
Digital Workplace 24 has grown out of IBF24, which since 2008 has featured 24 hours of live intranet tours. Digital Workplace 24 will feature tours of some of the world’s most powerful intranets, as well as intranet-driven digital workplaces. As the event is completely online, viewers can tune in from anywhere.
The last IBF 24 in 2011 attracted thousands of viewers over the duration of the event. Digital Workplace 24 is set to attract even more, including CIOs, CTOs and those responsible for the future workplace, agile working, digital and online communications, technology, real estate, facilities and human resources.
Paul Miller, Founder and CEO of the Digital Workplace Group, host of IBF Live and one of Digital Workplace 24’s lead presenters said: “Digital Workplace 24 is simply a phenomenon. This will connect the world’s digital workplace community, diving inside organizations that are breaking free of the limitations of the physical workplace, and working in new powerful, innovative and productive digital ways.”
He continued: “Whether viewing how European retail giant Zara uses smart devices to drive customer service or how JPMorgan Chase has revolutionized its onboarding process, Digital Workplace 24 will be exciting, inspiring and quite possibly overwhelming!”
Digital Workplace 24 will also feature Tieto showcasing its new digital services for its sales force, as well as IKEA exploring its exceptional digital workplace environment in store. Studio guests include Euan Semple, author of “Organisations Don’t Tweet, People Do!” Other tours and guests will be announced over the coming months.
Digital Workplace 24 takes place at 11am GMT / 6am EST Tuesday 14 May 2013 to 11am GMT / 6am EST Wednesday 15 May 2013.
Book your place now
Full details of Digital Workplace 24, including how to register, can be found at
For more information please contact:
Skye Crawford
Digital Workplace 24 Executive Producer
T: +44 (0) 779 582 4845