Are you getting value from your social intranet? Are other companies succeeding?

November 13, 2013 Updated: July 28, 2022 by

Are you charged with delivering a social platform to employees?  Are you looking for insights into the types of interventions that enable social intranets to deliver real value? Then participate in our new survey. All participants get a summary of results and are entered into a prize draw to win a 3 month subscription to IBF Live!

Woman ticking one of selection of boxesGetting value out of social platforms is not straightforward. For every social intranet success story, there’s another one where performance has been underwhelming and “ROI” remains a rather fuzzy concept somewhere on the horizon.

There are some common themes which are often associated with successful implementations. These include senior management support and the ability to embed social tools in key processes. However, nobody yet has quite defined the “special sauce” which makes a social intranet really take off.

10-minute survey about social intranets

That’s why the Digital Workplace Group is undertaking research to take a fresh and independent look at the best way to get value out of a social intranet. As part of this project we’re conducting a confidential survey and we’d love to hear your views and experiences with your social intranet. The survey should take about ten minutes to complete.

Take the social intranet survey now

A chance to win, but insights are guaranteed

All participants will get a copy of the results and will also be entered into a draw for a three-month subscription to IBF Live, our monthly show dedicated to intranets featuring live tours of leading-edge intranets. You also get access to a huge archive of intranet and digital workplace live tours.

All responses are confidential.  For more details please visit our privacy statement

Thanks for participating!

Categorised in: Collaboration, Research reports

Steve Bynghall

Steve Bynghall is a freelance consultant, researcher and writer specializing in the digital workplace, intranets, knowledge management, collaboration and other digital themes. He is DWG’s Research and Knowledge Lead, a benchmark evaluator and research analyst for DWG.

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