Adobe, KPMG and IKEA feature at Digital Workplace Experience: June 19–21, Chicago
Powerful content, DWG Clinic and a new DWG diagnostic take centre stage in Chicago.

Digital Workplace Group (DWG) is co-hosting a physical conference this year in Chicago, June 19–21, with SMG/CMSWire. The event is Digital Workplace Experience, or #DWExp17. We’ll cover every aspect of intranet, employee experience and beyond.
Of course, the DWG member community of executives and intranet specialists from the world’s top organizations share experiences, insights and opinions in a confidential setting, either in person or online. DWG’s members include some of the world’s leading companies and public organizations from a wide spectrum of sectors, and you can see a list of DWG members here.
We wanted to highlight a handful of DWG members who are speaking at the conference to provide a sneak peek for our wider DWG community.
What follows is a profile of five DWG member companies represented at the #DWExp17 conference and their compelling talk tracks.
Adobe live tour: Engagement inside out @ #AdobeLife
Take a tour of Inside Adobe, Adobe’s intranet, and learn how it engages and empowers employees. You’ll also gain insight into how you can measure engagement with content and implement social sharing on your own intranet.
Speaker: Andrea Brant, Adobe
Andrea Brant manages Adobe’s Digital Communications team, responsible for strategy design and implementation of Adobe’s internal digital communications channels, which improve employee communication and collaboration, and increase executive transparency. The team is part of the Employee Communications team, which ultimately reports to the CMO. Adobe’s intranet, Inside Adobe, is a Nielsen Norman Group 2015 Intranet Design Annual Winner and received an Honorable Mention in DWG’s 2014 My Beautiful Intranet.
KPMG at the turn
After more than 20 years spent in the collaboration and knowledge management arena, KPMG is rethinking its approach and retooling. Search and findability continue to present both significant challenges and opportunities, and the overall concept of “Digital Destination” twists and turns as new technologies and paradigms emerge. The topic of collaboration, with digital technologies as middlemen, is taking centre stage. Social technologies can enrich or obfuscate the scenario, and even knowledge-mature organizations like KPMG must deal with all of the above.
Speaker: Giovanni Piazza, KPMG
In the fall of 2016, Giovanni Piazza accepted the role of Global Head – Collaboration and Knowledge for KPMG International. His mission is to elevate his organization to the role of trusted provider of global collaboration and knowledge end-to-end enablement, across the people, process, content and technology dimensions of the discipline.
IKEA live tour and workshop: The inside track from IKEA
Last year, IKEA ranked at the top of the Digital Workplace Group Intranet benchmarking league table for Communication & Collaboration. This is an opportunity to experience a live tour of the digital workplace at IKEA and how it supports communication and collaboration among all 150,000 co-workers across the globe.
Speaker: George Muir, IKEA Services AB
George is a passionate and inspirational individual who has a strong background in architecture, processes, people and technology. He has written, evangelized and implemented many concepts within his career. As a futurist, many of his ideas are beyond today’s thinking, but with great motivation and trust these ideas develop into great business solutions.
Speaker: Susanne Rolf, IKEA
Susanne Rolf is the Business Support Leader for the Digital Workplace Knowledge & Information Sharing area at the IKEA Group. She is responsible for ensuring that existing digital solutions are used in an optimal way, training communication and support, as well as understanding business needs and planning for improvements and development of both new and existing solutions to meet the needs of the business.
Verizon: An employee-centred approach to delivering the promise of the digital world
Employee experience is too important to leave to one team. As companies continue to transform with the changing needs of the marketplace, digital environments become more important than ever. Understand how Verizon’s intranet team members set out to deliver a digital employee experience that would unify different workgroups and help create a consistent experience for its global workforce; how the digital intersects with the physical environment; and how mobility is enabled.
Speaker: Ruben Luque, Verizon
Ruben Luque is Director of Employee Experience & Workplace Solutions. He is responsible for measuring employee sentiment across Verizon, gauging alignment to organizational goals and utilizing these insights to implement workplace solutions.
Southwest Airlines’ Adoption, Communication & Education Program
Follow Southwest Airlines through its awareness and communication strategy up to the launch of its redesigned intranet, SWALife, as well as bringing IBM Connections to its 50,000 headquarters and frontline employees. Topics will cover current adoption and engagement metrics to walk the audience through the steps taken to go from a small headquarters pilot programme to the full enterprise launch and beyond.
Bonus: A DWG Taster: Experiencing DWG through Southwest Airlines
This one-hour session is a unique opportunity to get a “taste” of what it’s like to be a DWG member. Find out why leading organizations like Southwest Airlines join DWG and why they renew year after year. Learn how Southwest has used DWG research, member exchanges and benchmarking insights, along with targeted interventions, to shape its digital workplace journey via the vehicle of a live tour.
Speaker: Brad Grissom
As the Senior Manager of Communication & Collaboration Solutions at Southwest Airlines, Brad Grissom oversees the internal social portal connecting the highly mobile workforce to the information and applications they need to deliver the best customer service in the skies. Brad has filled both technology and business based roles throughout his 17-year career. Currently, his focus is on helping the airline find smarter ways of working that enable employees to leverage and navigate the evolving digital workplace. You can find him on Twitter @grissombrad sharing ideas about enterprise social networks and the future of work.
Two other exclusives at the 2017 Digital Workplace Experience

Visit the DWG Clinic – for the right treatment for your digital workplace. It’s conveniently located next to the registration area in the main hall.
How healthy is your digital workplace? Do you have “issues” that are challenging your intranet? Or maybe you just need to talk about your “problems” and get some digital workplace therapy? If so, do make an appointment, or simply drop into the DWG Clinic, where our expert “doctors”, therapists and consultants will be happy to diagnose the condition and prescribe a treatment for your digital workplace.
No ailment, illness or problem is too large or too small for the DWG Clinic. And, like all the very best clinics, everything between the “patient” and their consultants will remain confidential. You will leave revived, refreshed and invigorated. It’s good to talk and even better to get great expert advice and help! Book your appointment now.

How does your digital workplace perform?
Would you like to know how your digital workplace compares with DWG member trends?
DWG introduces a sampler 10-minute diagnostic that you can use for a quick check of the Digital Workplace Maturity of your organization. Your results will be analysed and compared with DWG’s many assessments to date.
You’ll get informative, meaningful resulting documentation about your digital workplace. You’ll be able to see, in a snapshot version, how your company stacks up against the rest. Of course, this is not meant to be a substitute for a full in-depth benchmarking assessment with a thorough 80-page assessment deliverable, but it is a “taster” of that larger effort – and your results will be actionable!
Your digital workplace maturity measurement will provide you with a real document that you can take to your team for stakeholder conversations. You can actually use this information as a project start point or for budget justification.
How it works
Once you’ve registered for the conference you’ll receive a link to the diagnostic. When you have submitted your responses, your scores will be analysed and compared with DWG’s extensive benchmarking dataset. We’ll email you the results. Simple. Your responses and results are confidential and will NOT be shared with anyone.
This survey is only available to individuals attending our digital workplace conference in Chicago in June – Digital Workplace Experience.
So, if you haven’t registered yet, this exciting tool is just another reason to do so!
Find out right now, how easy it is to bring your team to Digital Workplace Experience in Chicago next month.
Categorised in: Digital workplace