A Manifesto for the Decade of Courage

Hosted by


Paul Miller
Paul Miller is Non-Executive Chairman and Founder of DWG. Also a writer and speaker on the digital future of work, he has given inspirational talks for Microsoft, IKEA, Google, Accenture and the IMF. His most recent book is Nature of Work – The new Story of Work for a Living Age


James Robertson has 20 years’ experience in the field and has been a thought leader on intranets and digital workplaces throughout this time. He’s the author of three books, including “Essential intranets” and “Designing intranets”. The methodologies he’s helped to create have been used by teams around the globe.
Manisha Singh works on enabling the People Strategy through digital HR transformation. She and her team have worked on: Employee Experience Vision, Open Talent Market, Digital Learning Transformation, Robotics and AI strategy in HR.

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“The positive part of COVID is the tremendous resilience and a collective sense of being, which has been legitimized by going through a shared difficult experience. Now, how do we retain the good of it and use it to be able to navigate digital transformation in a meaningful way?”

- Manisha Singh, Schneider Electric

“What really jumped out to me was the empathy for the individual, you know, alongside those bigger picture, transformational things about the location, the patterns of travel and all of that, but just bringing it back to the human.”

- James Robertson, Step Two

As a response to COVID-19, DWG set out a powerful manifesto that seeks to look beyond the pandemic and explore how you can adapt your organization to suit global trends. It outlines 12 guiding principles for essential workplace transformation.

In this episode, Paul Miller is joined by James Robertson, a global thought leader on digital employee experience, digital workplaces and intranets, and Manisha Singh, a futurist, digital transformation and analytics leader, who share their reactions to the manifesto and reflect on how its action points will apply to workplaces.

Together they discuss how the digital workplace has become the essential workplace, exchange recent experiences from around the world, and agree how giving employees “voice and agency” is the way forward.

Show notes, links and resources for this episode:
Podcast transcription
Download DWG’s Decade of Courage Manifesto for free
Research report: Raising your organization’s digital IQ: How to improve digital skills

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