Digital Workplace Impact Podcast – Episode 7 – Digitally transforming two of the world’s oldest banks

The seventh episode in our series of Digital Workplace Impact podcasts explores digital transformation in two of the world’s oldest banking institutions.
Traditional banks are striving to remain relevant and to provide an experience that the new generation expects. New, tech-savvy players in the market appear to have the edge. So how are some of the oldest banks doing? Well, in fact, they’re doing pretty well.
Barclays was over 320 years old when it embarked on its digital transformation. Its initiatives, Digital Eagles and Digital Wings have taken the UK by storm. Wells Fargo, more than 160 years old, is also running several exciting digital programmes to enhance its banking experience.
The digital transformation for both organizations has done more than just improve processes and boost brand image, it has successfully educated and empowered its employees, customers and the wider community.
Steven Roberts, Strategic Transformation Director at Barclays, and Christy Punch, Product Manager at Wells Fargo, speak to Paul Miller about how it all began and reveal how experimentation has been key to success. But with the nature of digital, nothing stands still for long – they share their focus and priorities for the next chapters in their amazing digital stories.
Listen to Episode 7 – Digitally transforming two of the world’s oldest banks
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