Digital Workplace Impact Ep. 3 – Can governments cope with digital citizens?

To see in the new year, the third episode of the Digital Workplace Impact podcast is here… and it’s a real treat!
Governments are often viewed as amorphous, rather apathetic entities run by faceless bureaucrats; loved by some, feared by many, and potentially misunderstood by all. Our relationship with the state has always been complex – and, with the digital frontier beckoning, we worry that this can only become ever more obscure.
To discuss the challenges governments face around digital citizenship, host Paul Miller is joined by Sarah Gold (Design Director at IF) and Tom Cheesewright (Applied Futurist at Book of the Future).
Learn about the power of hyperlocal parliaments, the possibilities of a true sharing economy, and the surprising immediacy of the future.
Listen to Episode 3 – Can governments cope with digital citizens?
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