Tales of a connected CEO in times of lockdown

Hosted by


Paul Miller
Paul Miller is Non-Executive Chairman and Founder of DWG. Also a writer and speaker on the digital future of work, he has given inspirational talks for Microsoft, IKEA, Google, Accenture and the IMF. His most recent book is Nature of Work – The new Story of Work for a Living Age


Damian Corbet is a social media strategist, consultant and writer. He founded The Social C-Suite to help senior leaders get the most from social media and thrive in the Social Age. Damian regularly speaks at conferences and leadership events on the subject of social leadership.
Sarah Walker-Smith is the first female, non-lawyer CEO in the legal top 50. A trained accountant having worked for PwC and Deloitte, Sarah puts people at the core of everything she does as well as the marketing and branding experience gained at Boots plc.

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“It’s not about shameless self-promotion or promotion of your organization. It’s about being connected.”

- Sarah Walker-Smith, Shakespeare Martineau

The Social Age has seen the adoption of social media by the masses, however the benefits to CEOs have gone unnoticed by many a leader. And during a time when digital media is the only channel for remaining connected to your workforce and customers, being socially savvy is a must.

The Social CEO, written by Damian Corbet, sets out to educate and inspire senior leaders to embrace the Social Age, teaching them the hows and whys of utilizing social media in order to make them stronger leaders. Damian joins Paul Miller, along with Sarah Walker-Smith, CEO of Shakespeare Martineau to discuss the importance of staying connected, why society needs something different from its leaders and how being a connected CEO has helped Sarah move the organization through the COVID-19 crisis.

Please note that this podcast was recorded on April 20, 2020.

Show notes, links and resources for this episode: 
Research report: Decade of Courage Manifesto
Book: The Social CEO: How Social Media Can Make You A Stronger Leader, by Damian Corbet
DWG Work Miles Movement
2020 Edelmen Trust Barometer
Book: The Athena Doctrine: How Women (and the Men Who Think Like Them) Will Rule the Future, by John Gerzema and Michael D’Antonio

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