DW24 sign-ups help young people turn technology into a force for good!

650 people registered for DW24 between January 1st and February 12th, and we’ve donated a little something and written a little something to say thank you.
Sitting, pen in hand,
I just wondered how to say
A thank you to all those,
On this happy Valentine’s Day
Who, by just one simple click,
Have chosen not too late
to join DW24
And thus help us donate
To the charity Apps for Good
Which is teaching kids today
The value of great tech and
To make new apps their way.
In May we’ll come together
For a massive 24 hours,
To learn and share and prove
How current tech empowers.
For now is the time of the people,
To move to centre stage
As the growing Digital Renaissance
Begins to come of age.
But first we are so excited
That due to sign-ups made
A fantastic $650 USD
To this great charity will be paid.
And so… roses are red,
And violets are blue,
To our pre-Valentine sign-ups,
A huge DWG “Thank you”.
What more is there to say? We said we’d donate $1 to Apps for Good for every DW24 registration filled in before 12th February. And, thanks to our fantastic community, we’ve managed to raise $650 for a charity that not only shows young people and children that technology can be a force for good in their world, but actually puts the tools and skills in their hands to make it happen. For example, previous graduates of the Apps for Good programme include:
- Social Bank, which encourages you create and track savings goals
- I’m Okay, which provides resources and support on LGBTQ issues
- Safe Nav, which uses UK police data to help people navigate areas of high crime.
To find out more about the fantastic work Apps for Good is doing, you can check out its website, or join us for March’s DW Live, where Apps for Good UK Managing Director, Debbie Forster will be on the show as our guest speaker.
For those who haven’t yet registered for May’s DW24, you may have missed out on our donation deadline, but there’s still plenty of time to sign-up. We’ve just announced 5 new presenters who will be joining us, including Genentech, Mayo Clinic and TSB Group. So sign-up, put it in the diary and spread the love.

Categorised in: DWG24