The Decade of Courage – time for workplace change that matters

Hosted by


Nancy Goebel took over as CEO at the start of 2023. Previously, Nancy was DWG's Managing Director, Member Services, with responsibility for global expansion. Nancy has hosted the Digital Workplace Impact podcast since 2021.


Paul Miller
Paul Miller is Chief Creative Officer and Founder of DWG, and has given many inspirational talks on the digital future of work, for Microsoft, IKEA, Google, Accenture and Harvard Business Review, and written three books. His latest book is Nature of Work – The new Story of Work for a Living Age

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“People keep talking about ‘The New Normal’. The fact is, there is no normal. There was no agreement on what normal was in the past – and anyway you can’t go back in time.”

- Paul Miller, DWG

In this episode of Digital Workplace Impact, Nancy Goebel is joined by Paul Miller, CEO and Founder of DWG, thought leader and co-author of the ground-breaking book Nature of Work. We hear from Paul about the recently released second instalment of his Decade of Courage Manifesto.

The first Decade of Courage Manifesto, published in 2020, was a brave and bold actions-based document, which acknowledged the major issues that were concerning us pre-pandemic, including climate crisis, injustice, income inequality, and particularly the effects of these on workplaces.

Now, in a more reflective mode, the second instalment of the Manifesto, subtitled 2021 – The year of change that matters, explores what’s happening in 2021, post-pandemic, including the huge and unexpectedly rapid shifts occurring in work right now.

There are deep insights into the changes in people’s feelings towards work, the relative efficiencies of in-office and remote working, and how hybrid working can transform lives. The new Manifesto edition poses the questions organizations should be asking related to our human experience of the crisis and the evolving state of work – and offers some solutions to consider.

As well as these reflections, the episode contains many practical recommendations that will enable digital workplace teams to prepare their organizations for change – both today and in the future.

Show notes, links and resources for this episode:
Download Decade of Courage Manifesto – The Year of Change that Matters

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