Bringing your whole self to work – with Jessica Hunt, Adobe and Ephraim Julius Freed, Riot Games

Hosted by


Paul Miller
Paul Miller is Chief Creative Officer and Founder of DWG, and has given many inspirational talks on the digital future of work, for Microsoft, IKEA, Google, Accenture and Harvard Business Review, and written three books. His latest book is Nature of Work – The new Story of Work for a Living Age


Jessi Hunt has been innovating in the workplace through technology for the last decade. She started her career in the aviation industry by scaling a paper-based training programme for flight attendants into computer-based on-demand training. Jessi now works at Adobe, where she designs and manages several microsites across the company’s intranet,
Ephraim is a Customer Success Manager at Workplace by Facebook. Ephraim’s work has spanned implementing a social intranet, working as a consultant to help others plan for and implement social intranets, producing training and blog content, and facilitating peer learning events for intranet practitioners.

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“It is a myth that every company or that companies have to be conformist. And that there’s work that’s super boring.”

- Ephraim Freed, Riot Games

Your work isn’t boring – and your workplace doesn’t need to feel like 1984. In this episode we explore a fascinating new approach to employment that places your individuality at the centre; this is a world where you can bring yourself (warts and all) to work every day.

Paul Miller attempts to bring his whole self (which includes his old typewriter, apparently) to an inspiring conversation with Jessica Hunt, Digital Learning Lead at Adobe, and Ephraim Julius Freed, Internal Communications Manager at Riot Games. Together they delve into the essence of individuality throughout the “seasons” of your working life. Start from a spring search for meaning and an ideal workplace, and surf into the summer joys of freelancing and amazing teams. Then, nestle into autumnal delights of stripping away complexity to reveal the human within. Finally, learn to love the winter frost, which merely hides an evergreen soul always seeking the next big challenge.

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