Social collaboration success in a regulated industry – Live webinar on May 6th

Webinar summary: How has KPMG, one of the “big four” global auditing firms, navigated intense information regulations to find social collaboration success? Learn the answers and see a live tour of KPMG’s Tibbr-based collaboration platform on Digital Workplace Live – Tuesday, May 6th.
Show topics: | In-depth live tour of KPMG’s social collaboration platform |
Date & time: | Tues, May 6th | 11:00 New York-EDT · 16:00 London-BST |
Access: | Guests can sign up for a one-time free guest pass. Subscribers and DWG members will receive login details via email. |
[ctaleft]One-time guest pass[/ctaleft]
KPMG’s social collaboration success using Tibbr
KPMG is one of the “big four” global audit and accounting firms that also include EY, PwC and Deloitte. The member firms of KPMG International collectively employ 145,000 employees in 152 countries.
KPMG deals with many types of heavily regulated information, even facing varying regulations in different countries and for different types of clients. Yet, as an audit, tax and advisory firm, sharing the “how-to” knowledge of its highly educated professional workforce is critical to success.
Enter Tibbr, a rich social collaboration platform. Tibbr is designed to provide an array of online collaboration tools for employees and KPMG has very carefully launched the platform to meet their regulatory and compliance needs.
Critical to success was KPMG’s clear goal to drive targeted collaboration within the firm, rather than simply implement a new software tool.
In the May 6th live tour from KPMG, learn about the social collaboration strategy behind the design and launch of the firm’s successful Tibbr implementation, and see the resulting site.
KPMG guest presenters:
- Leigh Davis, Director, Knowledge and Collaboration Management, KPMG LLP (US member firm)
- Alex Chapel, Global Internal Social Collaboration Lead, KPMG International
[ctaleft]One-time guest pass[/ctaleft]
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Digital Workplace Live is the unique online show from DWG. Going out live on the first Tuesday of every month it offers live tours and expert insights on intranets, social and collaborative software, mobile apps and the broader digital workplace. Learn about subscribing to Digital Workplace Live.