Daniel McMillan appointed Finance Director at Digital Workplace Group

Updated: July 11, 2022

We are very happy to announce that Daniel McMillan has been appointed Finance Director at Digital Workplace Group (DWG).

Daniel first started working with us way back in 2006 as an external management accountant and, over the years, his role has grown and evolved. Daniel went into an accountancy practice straight from school and spent 7 years there before moving into the telecoms industry (in accountancy) and then finally setting up his own business looking after the accountancy needs of entrepreneurs, high-net-worth individuals and small owner-managed businesses – where DWG met him.

Helen Day, DWG Group Managing Director said: “We’re delighted to have Daniel join our senior leadership team and board of directors at DWG. Daniel has a deep understanding of where we are now and our ambitions as a business. I’m very much looking forward to his increased strategic contribution to our future.”

Daniel has provided DWG with exceptional support for many years and has increasingly been involved in strategic planning conversations, so Finance Director seemed a natural next step for him.

On his appointment Daniel said: “I’m excited to join as Finance Director and to support the management team at what feels like a pivotal stage of DWG’s evolution.”

About Digital Workplace Group 

Digital Workplace Group (DWG) is a strategic partner, covering all aspects of the evolving digital workplace industry through membership, benchmarking and boutique consultancy services. We provide independent guidance to more than 100 leading corporates and public institutions to advance their intranets and broader digital workplaces through peer learning, impartial evaluations, research and practitioner expertise.

See more at:  www.digitalworkplacegroup.com 

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