IBF at Interaction 2012

September 19, 2012

Interaction 2012 conference logoIBF and its associates will be out in force at the UK’s largest intranet conference, Interaction 2012, which takes place in London on 3 October.

Among the speakers at this year’s event are Helen Day, Managing Director of the Digital Workplace Group (DWG’s parent business), IBF lead benchmarker Sam Marshall and Martin White, author of several IBF research reports.

Helen will co-present an afternoon session with DWG member Susanne Rolf of IKEA looking at how IBF benchmarking has helped the retail giant improve its intranet planning and gain significant quick wins.

Earlier in the day, Sam will explore alternative strategies for boosting user adoption – including the pros and cons of reward mechanisms such as gamification – while Martin will focus on the challenges organizations face in managing virtual teams.

Stop press: DWG members can now book a place at Interaction 2012 for a special price of £199 (plus VAT), a saving of 20%. More details are available on our members’ extranet.


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