This event was held on 06 - 06 August 2024. You can find out about our upcoming events here, our checkout more of our previous events here.

Live Tour: Unisys 3 lessons learned (plus 1 secret ingredient) to achieve ROI with Gen AI

Join us in welcoming Weston Morris, Sr Director, Global Strategy – Digital Workplace Solutions at Unisys, as he outlines 3 lessons learned (plus 1 secret ingredient) to achieve ROI with Gen AI. Expectations have never been higher that Gen AI will reduce cost and improve productivity. Yet, simply turning on the Microsoft Copilot licence can actually have the opposite effect. Productivity gains are possible, but only after following three important steps. Weston Morris will share real-world lessons learned that can help you achieve your desired ROI with Generative AI.

06 - 06 August 2024


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