This event was held on 04 October 2022. You can find out about our upcoming events here, our checkout more of our previous events here.

Live Tour: Featuring 2022 NN/g award winner Banner Health

Live Tour is a unique online intranet show from DWG. Going out live on the first Tuesday of every month, it’s unmissable for anyone who works with intranets, portals and intelligent workplaces.

About this episode

Join DWG hosts, Nancy Goebel and Beth Gleba for the October edition of our Live Tour series. We’ll be joined by Tyson Henrie, Digital Workforce Senior Director at Banner Health, recognized as having one of the world’s 10 best employee intranets by user experience research firm Nielsen Norman Group.

Banner Connect equips a huge workforce with the tools they need to provide excellent healthcare and connect employees to one another and the organization. We’ll chat to Tyson about:

  • Personalized experiences that allow front-line staff and other employees to quickly find the information they need.
  • Responsive, accessible and mobile design.
  • Enabling access from personal devices and quickly from shared terminals.
  • Plus, of course, there’ll be an opportunity to see this award-winning intranet.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from one of our industry’s best!

04 October 2022

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