Stay ahead with advice and examples from DWG’s 2020 Research Programme

March 4, 2020 Updated: November 2, 2022

In 2019, 88% of members told us that access to research and case studies is one of the best things about Digital Workplace Group (DWG) membership. So it’s with considerable excitement among the team that we announce the new programme for 2020!

Why DWG members love research

DWG is proud that its Research Programme is driven by its member organizations. That’s why – in 2019 – we interviewed DWG members to find out what they want in 2020 and beyond.

“They told us that they use DWG research to help shape strategy, grow team knowledge, validate thinking and ideas, prepare for new projects, and gain credibility internally. They also said they would recommend DWG research to peers because of its depth of insight, broad coverage of topics, and detailed case studies,” says Nancy Goebel, Managing Director, Member Services at DWG.

Helping members get up to speed quickly

But finding time to read the reports can be tough, so our members asked for some “bite size” formats that can help them get up to speed quickly – while still retaining the depth.

In response, we’ll be introducing some new formats, starting with annual updates for key topic areas. Eventually there will be seven of these per year, covering all the important aspects of digital workplace practice – and to get the ball rolling in 2020, we’re producing our first three annual updates on:

Collaboration and productivity
Organizational readiness
Content and communication

These reports will make it easy for digital workplace practitioners to understand the latest practice, learn about what other organizations are doing, and get some handy tools and tips for their projects. For those wanting more depth, we’ll include links to DWG’s wider knowledge base.

While most of our research is for DWG members only, we do from time to time release reports to the wider digital workplace community.   as we’ll be releasing one of these update reports for free download in 2020.

Exploring new topics that matter to members

As well as keeping members abreast of core practice areas, we also know that they want to explore new topics and niche areas of practice. That’s while we’ll be taking a deeper dive into the following topics this year:

A practical guide to automation and AI: What digital workplace teams need to know

In this year’s member survey, there was a big appetite for more know-how on automation and AI – so we’ll be taking a “deep dive” into this area and producing a practical guide for digital workplace teams.

It will build on some of our existing research in this area, such as the FREE download, ‘The Intelligent Digital Workplace Assistant: An introduction for digital workplace teams’.

Overcoming information overload: Key principles to help employees work optimally in the digital workplace

Information (and more broadly, technology) overload is a real phenomenon for many employees grappling with sprawling digital workplace environments. Even as the experience is getting better, dealing with the demands of modern workplace technology can be challenging. We’ll look through the psychologist’s lens in this paper, to help teams understand and address the issues.

This paper will extend our organizational readiness series, in particular a recent paper on helping employees gain the skills to work effectively in the digital workplace.

Partnering with HR to digitally enable the employee journey: An integrated view

Here we’ll be looking to build on previous research on HR intranets and employee experience, giving digital workplace practitioners the know-how and examples to partner with HR in delivering exceptional employee experience.

We already have employee experience research in the pipeline, so look out for upcoming announcements to learn more about what we’re thinking in this area!


DWG’s Director of Research, Elizabeth Marsh says: “We’re particularly excited about introducing some new formats to our programme this year, based on what members tell us they need. It means that, as well as bringing them deep insights about new or niche topics, we can also quickly bring them up to date  each year on key areas of digital workplace practice. It’s our intention to furnish them with a “playbook”  for creating exceptional digital workplaces.”

Get access to DWG’s library of 80+ best practice digital workplace reports

DWG members have access to DWG’s best practice Research Library of 80+ reports covering key areas such as strategy and governance, communication, collaboration, user experience and organizational readiness for intranets and digital workplaces.

Find out what else is in the library and new research that’s coming up. Contact us to learn how to gain access to this library via DWG membership.

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