Announcing IBF’s SharePoint advanced knowledge and learning programme

March 20, 2013 by

Image of Globe Made of Puzzle PiecesWith SharePoint 2013 now being released, many intranet managers are starting to consider when they should upgrade or whether they should consider switching to the platform.

To help keep DWG members informed of the latest developments around this landmark release and enable critical decision-making, the Digital Workplace Group is delighted to announce its new SharePoint Advanced Programme. In particular this will focus on the new release of SharePoint 2013.

The SharePoint Advanced Programme will feature online knowledge sharing sessions, in-depth research and the development of best practices for its members.

Over the past few years Microsoft SharePoint has emerged as the dominant platform in the intranet space. Our 2012 member survey indicated that just over 70% of DWG members have used either SharePoint 2007 or SharePoint 2010 in the past 12 months.

In response IBF has produced an ongoing programme of research and facilitated knowledge-sharing to allow its members to gain rich insights into the critical success factors in implementing and managing SharePoint.

In the coming months we will be producing a major research report into navigating the new landscape of SharePoint 2013, focusing on good practices for intranet managers. This builds on our hugely popular reports for SharePoint 2007 and 2010. The new report will be authored by Sam Marshall, who has already written about SharePoint 2013 and is one of DWG’s lead benchmark evaluators. Although this is available to DWG members only, we are running a survey on implementing SharePoint 2013, where findings will be shared with participants.

Take part in our SharePoint 2013 survey

We will also be holding a series of virtual and face-to-face knowledge exchanges which will focus on SharePoint 2013. The first took place at the end of January. This session highlighted the new features in SharePoint 2013, and also identified the questions from members which they wanted to see addressed in the SharePoint Advanced Programme.

Topics of interest included the strength of the new social features in SharePoint 2013, the possibilities of migrating straight from SharePoint 2007 to the new release, support for mobile, cloud vs on-premise implementation, content management and search.

It was also clear from the session just how much interest there is among our members about SharePoint 2013, with many already actively looking into it and starting to evaluate their options.

Face-to-face sessions take place throughout DWG’s calendar of member meetings, while online sessions are recorded and accessible through our secure member extranet. As our SharePoint Advance Programme develops, we will also regularly share case studies and best practices through the DWG member extranet, as well as through our secure DWG member Yammer network.

Despite the emphasis on SharePoint 2013, we won’t be forgetting other platforms. DWG’s 2013 research programme, Knowledge Exchanges and member meetings produce leading insights and best practices which can be applied across all intranet platforms. We also are holding specific sessions relevant to other major platforms such as Jive and IBM Websphere Connections.

IBF remains committed to being strictly vendor-neutral.

Categorised in: Research reports

Steve Bynghall

Steve Bynghall is a freelance consultant, researcher and writer specializing in the digital workplace, intranets, knowledge management, collaboration and other digital themes. He is DWG’s Research and Knowledge Lead, a benchmark evaluator and research analyst for DWG.

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