6. Trends and insights

In today’s fast-paced and competitive landscape, staying ahead requires a keen understanding of emerging trends. In addition to benchmarking, organizations need to anticipate shifts in working practices and adapt to new standards that shape industries.
By keeping an eye on evolving trends and insights, organizations can ensure their strategies remain relevant, innovative and aligned with best practices.
Recent DWG Vantage Point meetings have highlighted several key trends in digital workplace management:
1. AI readiness
Organizations are increasingly focused on assessing their preparedness for AI integration. For example, an organization preparing for large-scale AI deployment may need to benchmark its data infrastructure and employee AI literacy.
2. Hybrid work optimization
There's a growing emphasis on measuring and improving the integration of hybrid teams. Organizations can use benchmarking to compare their hybrid work policies and technologies against industry leaders.
3. Employee experience metrics
Companies are prioritizing benchmarks related to overall employee satisfaction and engagement with digital tools. Quarterly pulse surveys, for example, can be used to track improvements in the digital employee experience.
4. Search and knowledge management
Improving search experiences remains a key area of focus for many organizations. With the proliferation of content and information in digital spaces, the need to separate the knowledge from the noise has never been more prevalent.
5. Tool fragmentation and duplication
Benchmarking efforts are addressing the challenges of managing multiple digital workplace tools. Benchmarking data can help justify and guide an organization’s tool consolidation and integration efforts.
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