Unlocking the future: Inside DWG’s 2025 research programme

What are the top digital workplace questions on the minds of leaders today? And how are they tackling the challenges and opportunities they face? All this and more is taken into the mix to inform the DWG research programme every year. And in this episode of Digital Workplace Impact, Elizabeth Marsh, Director of Research at DWG, joins host Nancy Goebel to explain what’s shaping the DWG research programme for 2025.

What are the top digital workplace questions on the minds of leaders today? And how are they tackling the challenges and opportunities they face?

All this and more is taken into the mix to inform the DWG research programme every year. And in this episode of Digital Workplace Impact, Elizabeth Marsh, Director of Research at DWG, joins host Nancy Goebel to explain what’s shaping the DWG research programme for 2025.

The conversation gives a tantalizing preview and delves into the key themes and topics driving this year’s research agenda. These include intranet futuring, AI readiness and literacy, digital workplace business cases and change management.

Elizabeth also shares insights into how the research programme is designed to support and enable digital workplace teams and leaders, emphasizing the importance of change agility and storytelling in driving successful digital transformations.

The 2025 research programme comprises a rich set of topics, which balances the strategic and the tactical, the forward-looking and the ‘here and now’, in a robust and accessible fashion.

Listen now to discover more about DWG’s research programme for 2025 or get in touch to learn about how to tap into the research.

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Nancy Goebel took over as CEO at the start of 2023. Previously, Nancy was DWG's Managing Director, Member Services, with responsibility for global expansion. Nancy has hosted the Digital Workplace Impact podcast since 2021.


Elizabeth Marsh is DWG’s Director of Research and author of its latest report ‘Digital workplace overload: How to reduce employee technostress’.

“It's those continual conversations and interactions we're having with our members and wider community that inform us what people are excited about, what they are concerned about, what they are struggling with – perhaps because of its newness or due to the level of hype or confusion – to put it into perspective.”

Director of Research at DWG

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