The rise of storytelling in the digital world of work

Hosted by


Paul Miller
Paul Miller is Non-Executive Chairman and Founder of DWG. Also a writer and speaker on the digital future of work, he has given inspirational talks for Microsoft, IKEA, Google, Accenture and the IMF. His most recent book is Nature of Work – The new Story of Work for a Living Age


Michael Kowalski is currently Head of Product at Tortoise, a London-based slow news startup that is pioneering a new approach to journalism. He has spent the past 20 years designing media products, founding a couple of startups along the way. He also curates the annual storytelling conference, Confluence, held at Google’s Academy London.
Harriet Patience-Davies is a former screenwriter and current digital consultant for Accenture. In 2019 she became the UK Storytelling Coach for Accenture UK, responsible for internal training and coaching, with the aim of widespread adoption of storytelling skills across the business.

Listen to the podcast

“People look to stories as a way to explain to them what’s going on and to make some sort of sense of it.”

- Michael Kowalski, Tortoise

Stories ignite both sides of the brain, which means that they can engage our logic and emotions. What’s more, neuroscience has proven that emotion is more important than logic when it comes to driving a decision, making organizational storytelling a highly effective way to communicate, internally and externally.

Our guests are passionate storytellers, Harriet Patience-Davies, a Storytelling Coach from Accenture, and Michael Kowalski, Head of Product at Tortoise, a London-based slow news startup. Together they discuss the shift from corporate speak to storytelling, share how COVID has brought new stories to the surface, and explain how technology has enhanced and amplified storytelling.

Show notes, links and resources for this episode:
Podcast transcription
Some Good News - podcast show from John Krasinski
Website: Positive News
Website: DWG24

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