The luckiest CIO in the world!

Hosted by


Paul Miller
Paul Miller is Non-Executive Chairman and Founder of DWG. Also a writer and speaker on the digital future of work, he has given inspirational talks for Microsoft, IKEA, Google, Accenture and the IMF. His most recent book is Nature of Work – The new Story of Work for a Living Age


Damian Bunyan has worked in the energy industry for his whole career, moving to Germany to work for E.ON in 2006.

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“We have not only survived, but our people are producing a level of performance that we have never experienced in our short(ish) history.”

– Damian Bunyan, Uniper

Damian Bunyan is Chief Information Office at Uniper, an energy company formed out of E.ON with some 12,000 employees around the world. He describes himself as the luckiest CIO in the world

In 2019, Uniper was the first organization in the world to move its energy related applications into the cloud, a project led by Damian. The digital workplace element of the project enabled the vast majority of the Uniper team to seamlessly work from home when lockdown began in early 2020.

The project has been a huge success, with 80% of the team’s KPIs at all-time highs. Damian talks to Paul Miller about how they have achieved such success and what’s next for this young energy company.

Digital Workplace Impact
is sponsored by Workgrid Software.

Workgrid’s Digital Workplace Platform is built to simplify the work day for employees by integrating with the core enterprise systems employees use each day, intelligently aggregating personalized and contextual tasks, approvals, critical information, and more – all into a unified experience.

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