How COVID-19 showed the true digital power of Duke Energy

Hosted by


Paul Miller
Paul Miller is Chairman and Founder of DWG. Also a writer and speaker on the digital future of work, he has given inspirational talks for Microsoft, IKEA, Google, Accenture and the IMF. His most recent book is Nature of Work – The new Story of Work for a Living Age


Brian Savoy leads Duke Energy’s business transformation through digital innovation, new ways of working and process redesign. He also has responsibility for the information and technology, administrative services and supply chain organizations.

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“The pace of change in our industry is faster than it’s ever been. And the pace we’re seeing today is the slowest pace we’ll ever see looking forward. So, we have to adapt and keep up.”

- Brian Savoy, Duke Energy

Duke Energy is a utility company serving more than 25 million households in the United States with their energy needs.

Paul Miller speaks to Brian Savoy, SVP, Chief Transformation and Administrative Officer, about how COVID-19 has changed the 100+ year old company.

Follow the incredible story of how Duke Energy reacted to the crisis back in February, from transitioning several thousand staff to remote working within days, to regular check-ins with the team and standing by its customers.

Show notes, links and resources for this episode:
Podcast transcription
Website: Duke Energy

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