An inspiring time with IBF at Intranatdagarna 2011

November 29, 2011 by

Ability PartnersAbility Partners held another of their regular ‘Intranet days’ conferences in Stockholm.  Apart from myself and Paul Miller – CEO and Founder of the Digital Workplace Group, there were some excellent speakers including Martin Risgaard, Oscar Berg and Gabriele Ollson and Menno van Doorn.

After a SharePoint workshop, the two day conference covered subjects including how to bring social media into the organisation, how to establish and manage the social intranet, and the leadership, culture and behaviour changes needed in knowledge-sharing intranets.  We moved on to focus on how to create an intranet that provides clear ROI, supports the core business and how to integrate the intranet to support work processes.

Use of collaboration tools

Before my first presentation I asked the audience who used Facebook and LinkedIn that got a 100% response with 50% using Twitter.  However only a handful of delegates have these or their equivalent tools on their intranet to use.

Now to me that creates a big disconnect between how we live our personal lives online compared with our working lives.  It risks a big disappointment when new recruits join and frustration for existing employees having a poor collaborative experience within their organisation.  I’m not sure how engaged employees in Sweden will be if this continues.

I was able to show how organisations can adopt collaboration tools and increase the engagement of employees.  Showing examples of how BT achieved this while I was the intranet manager helped illustrate this further.  Delegates were offered the chance to join the next episode of IBF Live so they could see more examples of intranets.

2012 predictions

One of the highlights for many of the audience the highlight was my interview with Paul Miller.  Paul showed his 10 intranet and digital workplace predictions for 2012 which provoked some interesting discussion during the interview and afterwards over a coffee.

The conference then covered effective and efficient search is a critical success factor and finished with the road to the digital workplace and a seamless intranet.  Now that sounds familiar and seems a good place to finish!

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